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Do More In Less: Tips On Productivity For Virtual Offices

25 Apr 2019

One of the disadvantages of working in a virtual office is that you can get distracted by plenty of things. Most virtual workers do their work in the comfort of their own homes. So this means that they are too comfortable and they know just what things can take their attention away from the work that needs to be done. A good example would be a housewife who also works as a remote employee. She may be focused on the work, but then she realises that the dishes have yet to be washed and the dog needs to be walked. Or maybe her favourite show is playing.

Well, these may actually happen to someone who is working at home. However, what makes the virtual office setup really good for many workers is that it allows them to be flexible with their schedule. So if there are still distractions happening, they can easily take care of those distractions and then go to work when all is clear. Plus, they can go and work someplace else where distractions are few – like maybe a coffee shop or a public library.

However, to make sure that virtual employees are productive, here are some tips for you that you can use to your advantage.

Put your tasks in batches.

People would usually jump from one task to another. However, what you can do to make sure that things get done well would be to put your tasks in batches. You can categorise them into how you usually work on them. If you are a copywriter, then what you can do is you can start by writing all of your articles. After that, you can now go through them and edit them. If you need to upload them and publish them, then you can do that after editing. That way, your focus would be on just the same types of tasks. You also would not be confused with everything that you need to do.

Use apps that help you not get distracted.

Yes, there are apps out there that should help you not get distracted with plenty of stuff on the Internet. One of these apps is Freedom. It will be the one to block just about all websites and other apps that usually distract you. You can also personalise the app to run when you need it to run. That way, you know you will not be disturbed by anything that you know could distract you from the work that you are doing.

Manage your social media accounts.

Virtual offices surely make use of social media accounts to promote their business. If this is yours, then you have to make sure that you manage them well. There are tools that you can use to make sure that all of your accounts are organised. Having a variety of social media accounts can make tasks seem all over the place. Find the best social media tool that could help you manage everything in just one go. You would be amazed at how things could get easier.

published under Management