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Sleep And A Better Career In A Virtual Office

21 Apr 2019

Some people may think that to have a lucrative career in a virtual office or a remote office should be all about sacrificing some interesting things. One of those things would be sleep because it means that you have to work more hours and get more things done. However, experts definitely believe that this is not the way to go. In fact, sleep is precious, and it is a good thing to invest in it if you would like to have a better career in the virtual office setting. After all, it is about working smart, and not necessarily working hard.

According to experts, if you do lack sleep, you just are not going to be as productive as if you actually had the required amount of sleep for your age. When you sleep well, you can have a good mood. Plus, your body benefits from it because it can recharge all the energy you spend during the entire day. With that, it can definitely help you boost your career in the virtual office world and make it even better. Here are ways how getting enough sleep helps your job.

Distractions are not a problem.

Distractions happen. You may be focused on working and then suddenly, a chat message pops up from one of your friends asking you about something interesting. If you have less than enough sleep, you would most likely be able to find it quite difficult to jump back from that. However, if you are well-rested, you just may be able to get back to what you were doing quickly – as if the distraction did not happen. That allows you to be focused better and those distractions are not going to hinder you from being productive.

Getting burned out from work is not going to happen.

Getting burned out from work happens to many people. However, those who have been studying this phenomenon have found out that the people usually affected by this would be those individuals who have not been getting the recommended number of hours of sleep. Individuals who have been getting six hours or less of sleep are more prone to getting burned out. Studies have also found out that many companies in the USA have lost around $63.2 billion in one year because of their employees not getting enough sleep and were not productive enough. Virtual offices allow their employees to have flexible hours which makes them get the needed amount of sleep, and productivity is also not affected.

Decision-making is done well.

A study has shown that people who get enough hours of sleep can make decisions quite well. They can make good decisions even if there is not enough to think about them. It really does take a good and functioning mind to be able to do this, and lack of sleep hinders this from happening. This is why many companies are allowing their employees to do remote work so that they can work when they are most productive or when they have been able to get their needed hours of sleep.

published under Management