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5 tips to stay focus at work during summer

30 Jun 2021

School will be out soon for the summer and the country is finally opening up after a long winter (both figuratively and literally). And as the weather continues to improve, more and more people are able to get out to enjoy the sun and other outdoor activities because of the good weather. But this is not the case for everyone, as they are tied to their desks at home or in the office for the majority of the sunshine hours. Focusing on the work at hand can be difficult knowing what other people are out and about in the sun. Below are a list of tips for keeping the focus during the working hours this summer.

Make time to exercise. It helps.

Exercise is known to be good for the body to keep one strong and healthy. However, what most people do not really realize is that it is also a good thing to do to help with focus. Exercise helps people concentrate better and boosts the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain which helps a person focus better.

Take some time off.

Vacations are not there just as a perk for employees. Rather, they are there to allow employees to have some time off. Time off is something that people can enjoy and they would not have to worry about work. Doing this is a good thing because taking time off is actually good to refresh a person’s brain so that when he or she comes back to work, he or she is able to focus better on the work that needs to be done.

Plan vacations in advance and let your schedule be known.

While some people actually file their vacation leave a day or two before they actually take it, it is highly suggested that such vacation leaves are filed a lot earlier. This would allow people to actually have a better chance of getting approved. Some who file vacation leaves too late find out that some other employees have already taken the allotted leave spots for the schedule that he or she wants. Business owners do not want to have a workforce that has too many people going on leave or holidays at the same time because it is not good for productivity. Overworked employees and staff are unable to focus well so properly scheduling vacation leaves is a great thing to follow.

Take advantage of the Pomodoro Technique.

There are techniques that can help a person focus and one of these is the Pomodoro technique that was invented by entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This technique is pretty simple. One can simply break down the time they work into 25 minutes each. Between each are short breaks. This has proven to be effective and allows employees to focus better.

Join team projects.

Team projects are also good ways to keep employees focused. It allows people to collaborate and share their ideas and keep them on the tip of their toes. It also helps an employee understand that their work is important in completing the project. When an employee feels that their work is important and is needed, they then focus better and want to do better. Having employees join and work on team projects is a great way to keep them focused on the work at hand.

These are some of the tips that can be used by people to stay focused during the sunny months when it feels like everyone else is outdoors enjoying the sun! (Side note: they are probably not!)

published under Business Address Guides