The Tax Identification Number is also known as the TIN. It is a number used for identification and for tax purposes as well. In most countries, the TIN is used for the identification of taxpayers. They are different in each country. In the United Kingdom, the TIN is known as the unique taxpayer reference (also known as a UTR). Individuals are also awarded the National Insurance number (NI). Companies are given Corporation Tax numbers.
How are UTR and NI numbers used?
HMRC uses the UTR to monitor taxpayers. A UTR number is a unique code assigned to an individual or company by HMRC. It usually has 10 digits and can have the letter “K” found at the end of the code. An NI number is an individual’s personal account number. Each number is unique to the individual it is awarded to and it will be used all throughout one’s life. An NI number will keeps track of a person’s taxes and contributions paid and that they are recorded properly.
Where can I find my UTR number?
By going to the Government Gateway, a person can login using his or her own login information. Then, once logged in, he or she can find their UTR there. This is an online account that a person sets up upon registration for self-employment. This account is under HMRC. Upon logging in, there will be other information available there aside from the UTR. A person can also see their tax returns, any correspondences with the HMRC, and any reminders from the HMRC. A person can find the UTR under the section for “Self Assessment.” Or if not, another option would be to check out the account summary which can be found on the top right corner of the page. A person can also look for their UTR in any correspondences sent by the HMRC. It can be on the Tax Return from HMRC. It can also be on the Statement of Account from HMRC. The UTR number can also be found on payment reminders as well as on letters for late payments. It can also be found on the letter sent to an individual by the HMRC, which is the SA250, when a person first registers to be self-employed.
The UTR number is a very important code that one should have especially if they are self-employed. It would be very beneficial to know about their taxes and that they are paying these correctly. There may be some people who do not know how to go about with this and there are very helpful guides that should allow them to learn how to do it. A good example would be this document that provides pertinent information and explanations on the UTR number. This number is a legal requirement in the United Kingdom. One UTR number is all a person needs.
published under Business Address Guides