Talk of how beneficial virtual offices are having been going around between employees and employers. Many have been considering it but are just unsure if it is the best way to go. Employees are excited though because they believe that it is going to be good for them. Employers and business owners have yet to understand just how good this can be for their venture. With that, here are some great reasons why many companies have already made the shift from a traditional office setup to having virtual offices instead.
Commuting no longer exists.
Unless you want to work somewhere aside from your home, commuting will no longer exist. All you need to do is wake up and get to work. Breakfast can be done before you log-in, or it can be done even as you are working. Yes, that is a great benefit of working in a virtual office. You do not need to worry about prepping for work, and you would have more time on your hands that you may have spent before travelling to the office.
According to data, employees usually spend two hours at the very least to prepare themselves to go to work, and that includes travelling to get to the office. With virtual offices, you would not need to do that. You can spend that to get some exercises done or for helping prep your kids for school or even create a healthy breakfast from scratch. With more time on their hands, employees are happier and are more focused on the work in front of them because they have lesser things to think about.
Back to an active lifestyle.
Employees who now work in a virtual office are more than happy to claim that they have become even more active. Although they do not have to go out and go to the office, they claim they now have more time to focus on their health and live healthy lifestyles. They can create their own standing desks. They can also spend some time doing some exercise before jumping right in at work. Plus, they can be involved in outdoor activities now that work has become mobile. There are also some virtual offices that hold competitions for the number of kilos lost for a certain period.
Lesser need for days off.
Because remote employees can choose to work anywhere as long as they are comfortable and productive, they tend to be more relaxed and less stressed. With that, they also tend not to use up as much vacation time as compared to regular office workers. For most, they can even get some work done even if they are sick because they do not need to go out of their house. The flexibility that virtual offices give their employees allows them to get more things done without sacrificing their source of income. They can now go and pick up their kids from school. Or maybe even have lunch with their significant other which they would not have been able to do when they were working in a traditional office setup.
published under International Business