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Tips On Getting More Tasks Done In Less Time

19 Feb 2019

Business owners know how it feels to have so many tasks on their plate. It does seem like the tasks do not end. You finish one and two more are added to the pile.

This is definitely not how you wanted it to be but it really does happen. Although some may have invested mail forwarding services so they do not have to sort through the mail that comes in, there are still a lot of things to do.

Mail forwarding services help give you more time to focus on core tasks but it does not necessarily finish all the work you need to get done. Some even try to work too much that it seems like they do not have time for themselves, for their families, or their friends. Do not let this happen to you!

Here are some tips that should prove to be helpful to you as the owner of your own business. Go through them and find out how you can get more done in a lesser amount of time. This should definitely free up some time on your calendar.

Give yourself a little pressure. When you have the luxury of time to do a task, it does seem like it is taking forever for you to finish that. That is why experts are suggesting that you try and give yourself some pressure – just a bit but not necessarily too much that you start to break. Give yourself a schedule and how much time you would be spending on a particular task. That way, you would be doing your best to get the job done in a lesser amount of time because you will try to beat the clock! Many have sworn by this and you may want to try it out yourself and see if it works for you.

Make a list and tick it off. If you think that lists are just for grocery shopping, think again. Lists are very helpful. You can easily know what still needs to be done and you can organise your thoughts and your efforts well. You can start a manual list or if you want to go paper-less, try using apps online. There are free ones and there are ones that come with a subscription. Find one that works best for you. The advantage of using an app to make your lists is that you can also set reminders and notifications for yourself so you would know which ones are the priority and which ones can take the backseat for a while.

Less time on email. If you think you spend only a little time checking your email, think again. This task usually gets people to spend a lot of time on just that especially if they keep checking it from time to time. Set a specific time (or times) to do this task. You would be saving a lot of time this way. And you would be able to respond to all of that important communication in just one go.

published under Business Address Guides